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What Were You Thinking?! Sesame Street's Woke Tweet Has Some Epic Replies

AP Photo/Fabian Bimmer

You’d think Sesame Street would be safe from this stuff. Sure—they dabbled in the inclusion game, but nothing that was obnoxious. Adding an autistic Muppet is fine of course. There was a family with two dads featured as well. It’s the changing times, folks. some might have an issue with it, but this is the nature of the business. Things took a wild turn, however, with Sesame Street’s Latin Heritage Month tweet, but you can guess where everyone rolled their eyes on this one.


“Latinx Heritage Month is here and we look forward to celebrating all month long! Together, let's take time to recognize and appreciate the Latinx culture and community that makes our neighborhoods so great. Happy #LatinxHeritageMonth,” it read.

Latinx!? That’s not a real word. White progressive social media staffer step away from the keyboard, please. No one says “Latinx.” No one says that. It’s not real talk. Not even Latinos say that; they hate it. I don’t know what happened, but last time I checked, Sesame Street residents spoke English. The replies were what you’d expect regarding this woke nonsense. 


Also, Sesame Street is on HBO. They don’t need to do this. NO ONE is going to cancel subscriptions over the absence of the term “Latinx” when it comes to Latin Heritage Month. There could be graphic nudity, strong language, and bloody violence on Sesame Street right now. It’s not cable. It’s HBO. They can do what they want. Yes, none of that is ever going to happen, but the fact that wokeness arrived on Sesame Street circles back to the crazy nut jobs graduating, getting jobs, and bringing this crap into the workplace. 

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