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ICYMI: Another State Dropped Most of Its COVID Protocols, But No 'Neanderthal Thinking' Lectures Came

AP Photo/Jae C. Hong

There wasn’t a big lecture from the president or the liberal media. There wasn’t a tantrum thrown on CNN. There wasn’t a media-induced panic. It seems after Florida and Texas reopened fully and nixed their COVID protocols which led to zero spikes, the liberal media learned to stop playing doctor—somewhat. You know liberal newsrooms had ‘there's a spike happening' stories ready. They were relishing to slam red states, especially Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott, for reopening too soon. Well, these two states shredded the ruse. Texas has been reopened for weeks with no mask mandate and COVID cases, deaths, and hospitalizations continue to drop. There was no spike. The Texas Rangers had a packed house for multiple home games. No spike. The experts and their noble lie had run its course. Now, every state is dropping its COVID protocols. Virginia decided to pretty much reopen this weekend. The mask mandate for the fully vaccinated was nixed prior to indoor capacity caps and social distancing protocols expiring on May 28. Massachusetts also decided to drop almost all of their COVID protocols before the Memorial Day weekend, which Biden said was all part of this ‘neanderthal thinking’ on COVID (via The Hill):


Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker (R) on Monday announced that all remaining COVID-19 restrictions in the commonwealth will be lifted on May 29, in time for Memorial Day weekend.

The lifting of restrictions on May 29 includes rescinding the commonwealth’s face covering order. The new guidance also recommends that fully vaccinated individuals no longer have to wear masks or social distance indoors or outdoors, according to a press release from Baker.

Face coverings, however, will still be mandatory on public and private transportation systems, including ride-shares, livery, taxi, ferries, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority subways and buses and commuter rail.

Additionally, masks will be required in health care facilities and other locations with vulnerable populations like congregate care settings.

Baker advised unvaccinated individuals to continue wearing face masks and physical distancing in most settings.

Starting May 29, capacities will increase to 100 percent for all industries, and the commonwealth’s gathering limit will be lifted.

Okay, well some of that—again—makes no sense, like the mask-wearing on public transit, but it’s better than other blue states for sure. New Jersey is also loosening their lockdown grip as well. The lockdown regime is falling apart as it should as vaccination rates go up. we’re reaching herd immunity. Some parts of the country are already there as the media continues to disregard natural immunity to COVID. Tens of millions were infected, they survived, and antibodies matter with regards to curbing the caseload and spread. This isn’t hard, though CNN and others would rather peddle panic and the vaccine-only path to herd immunity. This is a virus with a 90+ percent survivability rate. Based on numbers crunched by Dr. Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins, it’s possible that up to two-thirds of the population already had the infection. There are tens of millions of kids who generally don’t get it or spread it. So, this ‘stay inside forever’ lie was never going to last—ever. 


Also, deep-blue New Jersey and Massachusetts reopening and not being targeted for attack by the media. I wonder why that was the case. What a mystery. Look no further than the Connecticut example. The Nutmeg State announced they were virtually going to reopen around the same time as Texas. Based on the liberal media’s rules, they should have been attacked for trying to kill people. They slide by—what a shock, right? 

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