CNN, you just had to go there, huh? You can’t leave the COVID panic porn peddling alone. You had to ‘infect’ Santa Claus with it. The unabashed anti-Trump network decided to point out that St. Nick was wearing something to mark the 2020 holiday season. It wasn’t anything relating to the Christmas holiday, by the way. It wasn’t even necessary for the network to point this out. It was merely another example of the liberal media doing what they do best when it comes to social aspects that really should be tainted by politics.
Santa was wearing a mask they said. Just stop. Stop. This is supposed to be a fun segment. It’s supposed to be a segment that’s devoid of politics. It’s supposed to be a time for kids to track Santa Claus without this nonsense. Now, I know the next question is what sort of kid watches CNN? It’s a sick kid, what’s who. We all know that for most who aren’t traveling in airports, CNN is forced upon most by Trump deranged family members. We must say a prayer for them.
On this night before Christmas, we were following the official NORAD Santa tracker in the @CNNSitRoom and noticed that Santa is wearing a mask.
— Wolf Blitzer (@wolfblitzer) December 25, 2020
Now, CNN is China when it comes to media manufacturing, they’re garbage at it. So, if they think can get away peddling this imposter Santa as real, then I’ll say that Santa and the entire North Pole establishment is immune to COVID. They’re special individuals who can’t die; they have the protection of a saint. Santa doesn’t need a mask. You cannot kill him, but you can blast imposter Santas straight to hell. When CNN did this NORAD tracking segment and made an observation of Santa wearing a mask, we should have scrambled the jets and shot this fake Santa out of the sky. If CNN is reporting something, odds are it is fake news.
That being said, I hope the real Santa visited the many hundreds of millions of families last night and brought joy since there was very little of it this year. CNN just could have done a simple Santa tracking segment without the ‘check out the mask’ portion. Folks are getting tired of the pandemic. People’s lives have been destroyed. I think a great many people here and abroad are straight-up sick of the liberal media’s obsession with COVID. Not every segment needs to be about the virus.
We’re already pandemic-fatigued. The experts told us information that they’ve decided to do 180-degree turns on in recent months. The mask fiasco being the most popular subject. We were told not to wear them. Some Democrats told us no to wear them. And now, it’s ‘wear them or be fined.’ There are also studies from Denmark showing that mask-wearing might not be curbing the spread as effectively as the experts on CNN claim. In fact, the data is showing now that keeping us in the home is what’s killing us, as nearly three-fourths of new cases derived from households. It’s not bars, gyms, barbershops, hair salons, or restaurants. It’s staying home.
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