Yes, The View is liberal. We all know that. They’ve served up multiple hot takes about politics that veer well into mind-numbingly stupid territory. Now, it’s gaslighting territory. Whoopi Goldberg has a message to Trump supporters about the 2020 race and the results: “suck it up.” Why? Well, because her side did apparently (via Real Clear Politics):
"I want to say all those people who don't believe that Americans actually got out and voted," Whoopi started. "Let me say this to you. When You-know-who was elected four years ago, Hillary Clinton didn't say, 'Hey wait a minute this doesn't feel right, stop the count.' She didn't say, 'This isn't right, I'm not going.' She didn't say any of that. So all of you -- suck it up! Suck it up like we sucked it up."
"And if you're not sure you're not comfortable with Joe Biden do what we did, find things and then take it to the law," she said. "And then if the law says it is something to look at, look at it. But from now on suck it up. Grow the pair for him that he can't grow for himself because this is ridiculous you're not sure that he won. You bringing into question all these Americans who voted, legally, came out, stood, and voted. How dare you question it."
How dare we question it? Well, yeah, we can if there are allegations that ballots are being illegally backdated and dead people are voting. That’s fraud, lady. Also, liberals didn’t get over the 2016 election. They didn’t “suck it up.” It’s like liberal America actually thinks we forgot about the tantrum. We forgot about the rioting. and we forgot that the Left peddled and bought into a total myth about Russian collusion as a crutch, which was then weaponized to impeach a duly elected president in an effort to remove him. it was an attempt to reverse the results of the 2016 election, so I’m not going to listen to anyone who preaches ‘accepting the results’ when their side acted like a bunch of babies when Hillary lost in 2016. Also, during the election, Hillary said that Biden shouldn’t concede if the results were close and Trump was in the lead. Again, these people and their rules.
People are either for election integrity or they aren’t.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) November 9, 2020
— Elizabeth Harrington (@LizRNC) November 9, 2020
"I directly observed, on a daily basis, City of Detroit election workers and employees coaching and trying to coach voters to vote for Joe Biden and the Democrat Party. I witnessed these workers and employees encouraging voters to do a straight Democrat ballot."
‘Common Plan’: @RudyGiuliani says Dems in various states put Republicans in corrals so they couldn’t observe the vote count. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs
— Lou Dobbs (@LouDobbs) November 9, 2020
???? "When the ballots were scanned and it did not match a voter in the electronic poll book...they were still allowing those ballots to go through to be counted. And that is when the GOP poll watchers were issuing those challenges...and kicked out." ????
— Elizabeth Harrington (@LizRNC) November 10, 2020
??ANOTHER MI Poll Watcher??
— Elizabeth Harrington (@LizRNC) November 10, 2020
“I was witnessing several thousand ballots inputted illegally
“Every ballot was being fraudulently and manually having being born on Jan 1, 1900
“When I asked about this impossibility…I was told instruction came down from Wayne County”
???? EVIDENCE ????
— Elizabeth Harrington (@LizRNC) November 10, 2020
Detroit Poll watcher: At 4:30 a.m. on Nov. 4 "tens of thousands of ballots" delivered from out-of-state
"Unlike the other ballots, these boxes were brought in from the rear of the room"
"I specifically noticed every ballot I observed was cast for Joe Biden"
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