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Re-Shattering the Blue Wall? The Rust Belt Trends Towards Trump in New Poll

AP Photo/John Bazemore

Remember when Trump mocked the media for suggesting he could never win because of the Democratic blue wall in the Rust Belt? 

We shattered that sucker,” in the month following the election. Most liberal news polls have Joe Biden way ahead by either oversampling Democrats, the college-educated, and recycling registered voter samples. It’s not good. Even Fox News’ polling has been shoddy. Trafalgar was the most accurate battleground state poll in 2016. And right now, things are trending towards Trump in the Rust Belt. It’s not re-shattering per se as Trump has already taken it over from Democrats post-2016, but a hypothetical re-shattering? Sure. A hostile takeover? Maybe. Heck, in 2016, it was CNN's Van Jones who warned Democrats about the blue wall being super vulnerable. Also, Arizona which many are seeing as one of the key states in this contest is also trending towards Republicans.


We have a Supreme Court fight that could very well keep the GOP in charge of the Senate as it will undoubtedly help the GOP in Iowa, North Carolina, Colorado, and possibly Arizona. Sen. Martha McSally looked as if her re-elect campaign was DOA. Now, there could be some new life since nothing unites the conservative base or get them animated more than a Supreme Court fight. And we still remember the slimy character assassination attempt Democrats tried to pull with Brett Kavanaugh. And in all of this, Joe Biden is missing. He’s hiding. Democrats on the Hill are doing all the heavy lifting here and even they appear to be divided, whipping out their knives to shank Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA, figurately speaking, the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee because many think she’s too weak to lead the fight. 

Again, there is no fight. The GOP has locked up the votes to get whoever Trump nominates, which at this point looks like Judge Amy Coney Barrett out of committee and onto the floor for a confirmation vote. This seat will be filled before Election Day. And with that, a Republican Congress with another term for Trump? We sure hope so. 


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