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NYT Editorial Board Member Went To The Liberal Go-To Talking Point to Describe GOP Refusal For More Witnesses

Some things just don’t go together. Spaghetti and meatballs go together. Ham and tuna fish—not so much. For liberals, racism is their favorite go-to commentary on social matters, but it doesn’t mesh at all with this latest impeachment fiasco on the Hill. Democrats want new witnesses for this circus, but with Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) saying he’s a “no” vote on this proposal—the game is over. He was the key vote. This proposal is dead. It denigrates the Senate. It prevents them from doing their jobs. This impeachment push is not an emergency. It’s not about the rule of law. It’s not about institutional integrity. In an ironic twist, Democrats have done more to damage all three with this partisan push. It’s not legitimate. It’s about the Left’s inability to accept they lost an election. 


And now, like clockwork, the Senate’s refusal to allow more witnesses is being described as racist by a member of The New York Times editorial board. Mary Gay compared this move by the Senate to the Jim Crow era or something. 

Yeah, again, this is bubble nonsense. No one cares about this impeachment trial. There will be no flocking to polls on impeachment. Within a month, this will be forgotten. For most of the country, they’re waiting for it to be over. The only people who care about this are the more Trump deranged, hyper-partisan Democrats—and there’s not enough of them to win this election. The liberal echo chamber is raging, but swing-state voters aren’t having any of this trial. From the start, this was seen as a tantrum move. And now it’s racist to refuse new witnesses? Please. We’ve had 17 witnesses and all of them picked by Democrats. They just don’t have a case. 



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