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Schiff Show: That Time This Top Democrat Said He Never Spoke With Trump-Ukraine Whistleblower...It Was A Lie

AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

 Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) is a snake. Period. There’s no way around it. He’s part of the cabal of anti-Trump Democrats who pushed the Russian collusion myth for two years. Actually, he and the rest of his clown crew haven’t but we have a new front in this war against Trump. The Trump-Ukraine phone call that the Left thought would be their ticket to impeachment. 


Some whistleblower, who is reportedly a CIA agent, alleged that Trump shook down Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, threatening to withhold aid unless they investigated possible acts of corruption committed by Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, who was placed on the board of an energy company during his father’s time in office. Hunter was not qualified to serve in that position; he has no energy experience and it was seen as a way to sell access to the U.S. elite. 

Alas, it was all fake news. There was no quid pro quo. But House Democrats decided this allegation was enough to launch a formal impeachment inquiry—and all of this was done before the complaint was ever released. 

The icing on the cake is that Schiff knew about the complaint a month before this whole impeachment circus started and now, we find out that Schiff actually had contact with the whistleblower and knew about the allegations before this complaint was formally filed. So, talk about collusion between House Democrats and the intelligence community. Also, Schiff said he never spoke with the Trump-Ukraine whistleblower. Uh, he did—and our friends at Twitchy noted it:


Last month, Democratic House Intelligence chair Adam Schiff told MSNBC that “we have not spoken directly with the whistleblower”

In light of today’s New York Times report about Schiff’s office communicating with the whistleblower before the formal complaint was filed, some people think Schiff may not be the most honest politician out there

Folks, it’s not a shocker; you cannot trust someone with full-blown Trump derangement syndrome. 

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