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Federalist Co-Founder Has Some Questions For Mueller After A Key Witness Was Slapped With Child Porn Charges

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

We all knew this Trump-Russia narrative was trash. Well, a lot of us knew; the same cannot be said for liberal America. After the 18thor so “bombshell” that produced nothing, and the endless weeks that went on where zero evidence was produced to support such a ludicrous allegation, any person who wasn’t stricken with Trump Derangement Syndrome would see this as a witch-hunt. Something that large, evidence would have been leaking like crazy. Nothing. Oh, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller had a legion of anti-Trump, hardcore Democratic lawyers sifting through mountains of nonsense that amounted to nothing. President Trump was exonerated from the Russian collusion charge. And yes, the report was quite definitive on that unlike Mueller’s tweaking of the language as he exited the DOJ. There’s no wiggle room there; he had a staff of Clintonites. Some conservatives criticized the staff. I think it added more credibility to the fact that on Trump-Russia, there was nothing there. For two years, these clowns dug and found zip. That’s why the liberal media is so angry. Trump is still president and they cannot pivot to the usual ‘well, there were some GOP lawyers on staff’ to chip away at the report. Democrats, well, they might as well be on suicide watch; this was their best hope to craft something legitimate in terms of impeachment. 


The Federalist’s co-founder, Sean Davis, has not been shy in trashing Mueller, the Russia investigation, and he noted that the report appears to show that the former FBI director and his investigative team were desperate to prove Trump-Russia collusion, but couldn’t. Mueller’s exiting presser on confirmed what Davis and many others felt about the whole circus’ conclusion. How desperate? Well, did he let a key witness’s child porn charges fall by the wayside in order to ensnare Trump on this Russia nonsense? That’s what some want to know (via WaPo):

A key witness in former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation of Russian election interference has been charged with transporting child pornography last year, according to court documents.

George Nader, who has a previous conviction on such charges, was charged in federal court in Virginia and is expected to make an initial court appearance in New York.

Nader played an unusual role as a kind of liaison between Trump supporters, Middle East leaders and Russians interested in making contact with the incoming administration in early 2017.

Officials said Nader, 60, was charged by criminal complaint over material he was traveling with when he arrived at Washington Dulles International Airport on Jan. 17, 2018, from Dubai. At the time, he was carrying a cellphone containing visual depictions of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct, officials said. The charges were unsealed after his arrest Monday morning at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York.


This comes after reports showed that British intelligence members questioned the credibility and accuracy of the Trump dossier compiled by ex-MI6 spook Christopher Steele, who was funded by the Democrats and the Hillary Clinton campaign at this point. The dossier, which contains salacious allegations, is loaded with glaring inaccuracies that any Google search could’ve debunked if the FBI attempted to verify the document. This oversight sort of proves that they really didn’t, which is troubling. This document, a piece of biased political opposition research, was reportedly cited as credible evidence to secure a FISA spy warrant against former Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page. The Brits knew the Trump dossier, the core of all this hysteria, was trash—and now child porn peddlers. Yikes.

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