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Did Anyone Catch This Tweak That Mueller Made About The Russian Collusion Findings?

AP Photo/Cliff Owen

So, Robert Mueller is gone. Poof…into the wind he goes. After two years, he finally concluded that there was no collusion and reiterated his position on obstruction, though he gave the entire Democratic Party a massive smoke signal to push for impeachment on that front. It’s it new. Meh. Not really. Since 2019 the Democrats have been slowly building up towards impeachment proceedings. Heck, Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), his posse, and his politically motivated subpoenas over Trump’s taxes and bank records are all but a massive game of impeachment bingo. The Democrats are throwing up whatever against the wall and sees what sticks, even if it’s nowhere near as explosive as Russian collusion, which has been debunked. Or has it? Mueller used the phrase “insufficient evidence” to describe that aspect of his report today in a presser, where he took no questions. That’s odd. That’s a bit different than what’s in the report on this matter: “the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”


Yeah, Democrats read this aloud, folks. And liberal reporter and Russia collusion skeptic Michael Tracey, who has been torching the liberal media for peddling this collusion myth for the past two years, didn’t let this tweaking of the language slide. It was done to further pour gasoline on the impeachment bonfire that’s been slowly increasing its fury. That’s fine. Democrats can try to impeach, but we all know it won’t be successful. Thank you, Republican Senate. Still, the effect is now being seen. Scores of Democrats are now jumping hardcore on the ‘impeach 45’ bandwagon. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) has company now.


We discussed this further on today's episode of Triggered:

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