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Trump 2004: 'I Identify More As A Democrat'

Okay. I get it. Trump is crude, rude, unapologetic, and will basically attack anyone who rubs him the wrong way. He marches to the beat of his own drum, and he’s uncontrollable. That’s why the GOP establishment can’t stand him, and the angry rank and file conservative wing of the GOP love him.


Yet, Trump isn’t a serious candidate. In 2011, he once told Ron Paul supporters that Paul couldn’t be elected president. The same standard applies to Mr. Trump, who will never be the 2016 Republican nominee, let alone the next President of the United States. He’s a joke. He’s a fabulous entertainer. And he’s pretty much a Democrat. He admitted to this in an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer in 2004.

“Well, you’d be shocked if I said that in many cases I probably identify more as a Democrat,” said Trump at the time. “It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans,” he added. In 2007, he said that Hillary would be a good person to negotiate with the Iranians since she’s “always surrounded herself with very good people.” He also said Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney would be good negotiators as well.

As for the Second Amendment, abortion, and health care, Mr. Trump was decidedly on the progressive side of things. Favoring a pro-choice position, a ban on assault weapons, and supportive universal health care (via WaPo):


Then: On "Meet The Press" in 1999, Trump said he was "very pro-choice." "I hate the concept of abortion," he said. "I hate it. I hate everything it stands for. ... but I just believe in choice."

Now: In an interview with Bloomberg Politics in January, Trump said, "I'm pro-life and I have been pro-life." He said he believed there should be exceptions in cases of rape, incest or the life of the mother.


Then: In Trump's 200 book "The America We Deserve," he wrote that he "generally" opposed gun control but supported an assault weapons ban and a longer waiting period to purchase a firearm.

Now: At the 2015 NRA-ILA Leadership Forum, Trump said if he became president, "the 2nd Amendment will be totally protected." He told the Web site Ammoland he does "not support expanding background checks" and said current background checks "don't work."


Then: In an interview with Larry King in 1999, Trump said he was "very liberal when it comes to health care" and that he believes in "universal healthcare."

Now: During his announcement, he called Obamacare "a disaster called the big lie" and said the deductibles were so high they were "virtually useless."

Hillary Clinton

Then: Either Trump or his son donated to Clinton in 2002, 2005, 2006 and 2007, he invited her to his 2005 wedding in Florida, where she sat front row, and he's donated at least $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation. He also said in an appearance on the Howard Stern show in the mid-2000s that she was a fantastic senator.

Now: On NBC on Wednesday, he called Clinton "the worst secretary of state in the history of our nation" and said she would be "a terrible president."

Party affiliation

Then: Trump changed his party from Republican to Independent Party in 1999, and switched again to Democrat in 2001.

Now: Has been a registered Republican since 2009.

There are also some flips which haven't necessarily been from left to right.

Jeb Bush

Then: In Trump's 2000 book "The America We Deserve," he called Bush "a good man," "bright, tough and principled," and "exactly the kind of political leader this country needs now and will very much need in the future."

Now: On Fox News's "On The Record" this week, he called Bush "pathetic" for his support of Common Core, said his immigration views were "baby stuff."


No wonder why Gov. Rick Perry calls him a “cancer.” While Trump now calls Perry a hypocrite since he said the Texas governor was "playing nice and begging for my support and money” in the last presidential election, he also called Perry a “great guy,” “a patriot,” and that “Texas is lucky to have him” on Twitter in January of 2012.

Trump has tapped into something that extends beyond our nation’s inability to get something done on immigration. It goes beyond that. This is about an administration that really hasn’t been following the rule of law. On immigration and health care, to name two big issues, this administration has issued executive orders that come perilously close to violating separation of powers. On immigration, the courts have put a halt to his executive orders there, but with Obamacare; there have been at least 32 unilateral changes the administration has undertaken, specifically the employer-based mandate that was supposed to take effect after December 31, 2013. That was delayed, despite an explicit date that was written into the Affordable Care Act.

So, yes, the illegal immigration remarks tap into the anger that Americans, especially those with conservative views, have regarding what they see as a lawless administration. Nevertheless, there are plenty of serious candidates who will actually win primaries, delegates, and the nomination on the Republican side, who are obviously a lot better than Obama. In this election cycle, Republicans have the luxury of choice. It’s a good thing that almost every wing of the GOP has a serious candidate representing their side. Voters should look there, instead of the entertainment Mr. Trump brings to the table.


Enough has been said about Trump’s comments on McCain, doxxing Sen. Lindsey Graham, and to evangelical voters in Iowa. The faith-based and veterans are certainly two groups you don’t want to offend or come off an inauthentic when you’re running in a GOP primary.

I know this clown show will continue; just how much longer will this last?

Last note: There's nothing wrong with people changing opinions, but when they're from people with inauthentic political views, like Trump, you should go candidate shopping somewhere else. Also, if he's gunning to defeat Hillary and the Democrats, shouldn't he be attacking them, instead of his Republican opponents most of the time? 

(H/T Steven Crowder)

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