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The Heritage Foundation's The Foundry Blog is urging conservatives to take action today:

"Americans of all political stripes have a rare opportunity to observe history firsthand as Republicans continue to speak on the House floor about U.S. energy policy. Regardless of where you stand politically or on the energy debate specifically, this is your opportunity to sit on the House floor and watch this debate unfold with your own eyes."

They encourage conservatives to do one of three things to take action:

  1. Call your member of Congress (find a list here) or the Capitol switchboard (202-224-3121).
  2. Tell your congressman that you want to visit the House floor to see the action. Regardless of political party, your member should accommodate you. (You cannot bring bags, cameras, video equipment or mobile phones on the floor.)
  3. If for some reason your member of Congress is unwilling to help, you should call the Republican Whip’s Office at 202-225-0197.

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