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McCain to Obama: You're a Newbie Who Can't Spell!

Oh, man. I have my problems with John McCain's policy preferences, but when that acid tongue is turned on an easy target, it's can be a thing of beauty:

“This vote may win favor with MoveOn and liberal primary voters, but it’s the equivalent of waving a white flag to al Qaeda,” McCain said,regarding the vote of his Democratic opponents.

Obama returned fire, saying that it is clear a new direction in Iraq is needed.

“And if there ever was a reflection of that it's the fact that Senator McCain required a flack jacket, 10 armored Humvees, two Apache attack helicopters, and 100 soldiers with rifles by his side to stroll througha market in Baghdad just a few weeks ago,” Obama said in a statement.

McCain responded immediately, mocking Obama’s lack of experience.

“While Senator Obama’s two years in the U.S. Senate certainly entitle him tovote against funding our troops, my service and experience combined with conversations with military leaders on the ground in Iraq lead meto believe that we must give this new strategy a chance to succeedbecause the consequences of failure would be catastrophic to our nation's security,” McCain said.

The former Navy pilot and prisoner of war then took a shot at Obama for making a mistake in his statement.

“By the way, Senator Obama, it’s a ‘flak’ jacket, not a ‘flack’ jacket,” McCain said.


Obama was probably just "tired."

Update: McCain aide goes nuclear:

"Obama wouldn't know the difference between an RPG and a bong." 

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