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Townhall Israel Round-Up

Here at Townhall, with all our new contributors, we have a ton of resources on the situation in Israel and Lebanon.

Dennis Prager's producer is blogging exactly what Prager is reading on the situation to prepare for his show.

Hugh examines news coverage of the situation and finds that-- surprise!--Israel is to blame, according to the LAT.

Meanwhile, on our columnist page, Charles Krauthammer ponders "Who is at fault?" and comes up with a different answer than the Times.

Michael Medved says Israel should pursue a victory process, not a peace process.

Medved also offers an audio take on "Israel's Ultimate Victory in the Terror War," as part of the Townhall Daily Commentary.

Mike Gallagher says it's good to see Israel taking charge

Jay Sekulow also comments on Israel's defense of itself in this audio clip.

Hugh offers a Townhall Daily Commentary on how "Land for Peace" has become "Land for Terror."

Yoni is one of our new Townhall bloggers, offering rolling updates, and here's a good round-up of folks offering Israel round-ups.

Yep, I'm doing a round-up that includes a round-up of round-ups. That's why I love the blogosphere.

And, check the World News page for updates from AP all day long.

I'll add more as I come up with them. I don't know if y'all have noticed, but the site is frickin' huge. I'll keep looking.


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