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Democrats for Life Reacts to Planned Parenthood’s Pop Up at the DNC

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Democrats for Life spoke out about Planned Parenthood’s appalling abortion clinic pop-up at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) this week. 

As Townhall covered, Planned Parenthood Great Rivers announced that medication abortions and vasectomies would be provided free of charge at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago. 


Kristan Hawkins, the president of Students for Life of America, wrote on X that at least 25 babies have been aborted at the DNC so far.

"They’re degrading human life and women for that matter. It's just absolutely disgusting. This continued celebration of abortion," Democrats For Life of America executive director Kristen Day told Fox News Digital in an interview. 

"Planned parenthood, this is what they do. They do abortions. They, they do not support pregnant women," she continued. "And this just continues to prove the fact that that is their main focus… all they care about is abortion."

Day added that the Democrats’ “celebration of abortion” is a far cry from their previous position of being safe, legal and rare. 

“The fixation on it from the extremists, it’s harmful to women,” Day said. 

"In states with the largest abortion numbers, they don't even report the numbers. They don't report the side effects. They don't report the negative effects. And, the states that do, we've seen in some states women have nine or more abortions. How is that good for women's health? It's not at all," Day continued. "So, I think the celebration of having the free abortions here is just, a real travesty for Americans.”


Townhall covered how Everylife, a pro-life company, announced that it would provide free diapers to those attending the DNC and considering getting a free abortion. 

“EveryLife is partnering with Sidewalk Advocates for Life and the life-affirming mobile medical unit from ThriVe Nation, equipped with ultrasound services, who are on the ground in Chicago, outside the DNC, to provide a lifetime supply of EveryLife diapers to any pregnant mom seeking an abortion at the Planned Parenthood abortion/vasectomy bus who chooses life instead,” EveryLife said in a statement, according to the New York Post.

“While Planned Parenthood mocks and contributes to the devaluing of the family unit and demise of our nation, EveryLife will continue to champion life and parenthood. We are honored to provide a tangible resource to help moms in need choose life, knowing that diapers can be the difference between life and death for a baby,” EveryLife Co-Founder and President Sarah Gabel Seifert added.

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