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Here's Nancy Pelosi's Response to the Trump vs. Biden Debate

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Former Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi said on Tuesday that it is “fair” for voters to question if President Joe Biden has a condition or had “an episode” at the presidential debate last week.


Pelosi made the remarks in an interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell. 

“Do you have questions as to whether this [Biden’s debate performance] was one bad night or whether there is something more serious involved? And whether he [Biden] needs to be more open…about if he does have a medical condition, if he is slipping…everybody knows there’s an age issue and he certainly did the opposite of reassuring people with that high risk, potentially high reward debate plan that they came up with. It backfired,” Mitchell said to Pelosi. 

“My experience with Joe Biden is that with all the legislation that we passed to save the country…he was masterful in helping to orchestrate, to write and to pass, and so, he has a vision, he has knowledge. He has judgment. He has a strategic thinking…he has a bad night. Now, I think it’s a legitimate question to say, ‘Is this an episode or is this a condition?’ So, when people ask that question, it’s completely legitimate, of both candidates,” Pelosi said before trashing Trump.

“I tore up his [Trump’s] speech when he lied to the Congress…we should be tearing up what he said the other day [at the debate] because it was a pack of lies,” she claimed, adding that it’s “very hard to debate somebody when you have to undo, debunk everything they’re saying.”


The day after the debate,  a YouGov poll found that nearly half of Americans believe that the Democratic Party should replace President Biden in the 2024 election, which Townhall covered.

In the survey, respondents were asked: “Who do you think the Democratic Party should nominate as its presidential candidate, if it wants to have the best chance of winning?”

Only 30 percent of respondents said “Joe Biden.” Forty-nine percent said “someone else.” Twenty-two percent said “not sure.”

When asked, “Who do you think the Republican Party should nominate as its presidential candidate, if it wants to have the best chance of winning?” respondents indicated that former President Donald Trump (44 percent) was the best option. Thirty-eight percent said “someone else” and 18 percent said “not sure.”


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