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Trump Was Asked About Policies Restricting Birth Control. Here's What He Said.

AP Photo/Chris Carlson

In an interview this week, former President Donald Trump indicated that he’d be open to allowing states to put restrictions on access to birth control. He walked back the remarks shortly after. 


Trump made the comments in an interview with Pittsburgh outlet KDKA-TV. 

“Do you support any restrictions on a person’s right to contraception?” analyst Jon Delano asked Trump.

“Well, we’re looking at that, and I’m going to have a policy on that very shortly,” Trump answered. 

“Well that suggests that you may want to support some restrictions? Like, the ‘morning after’ pill or something?” Delano followed up.

“You know, things really do have a lot to do with the states. And, some states are going to have different policies than others,” Trump said. 

Biden-Harris presidential campaign spokesperson Sarafina Chitika said in a statement, “Women across the country are already suffering from Donald Trump’s post-Roe nightmare, and if he wins a second term, it’s clear he wants to go even further by restricting access to birth control and emergency contraceptives."


Shortly after, Trump clarified his position on Truth Social, where he said he “will never advocate imposing restrictions on birth control” and other forms of contraception. 

“This is a Democrat fabricated lie, MISINFORMATION/DISINFORMATION, because they have nothing else to run on except FAILURE, POVERTY, AND DEATH,” the former president added. “I DO NOT SUPPORT A BAN ON BIRTH CONTROL, AND NEITHER WILL THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!”

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