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California Teacher Reportedly Admitted to Teaching Transgender Ideology to Toddlers

AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File

An early childhood educator in California reportedly admitted to using an “age-appropriate” “gender unicorn” to teach toddlers about sexual orientation and gender identity. 


Danita McCray works as a child development teacher at an elementary school in Sacramento, California, according to Fox News Digital. During a presentation at the 2021 California Teachers Association (CTA) conference, which is linked to the National Teachers Association union, McCray gave an informational presentation on how to implement sexual orientation and gender identity curriculum into young children’s education. 

McCray reportedly said that the workshop was to “provide you with positive strategies to support transgender and gender non-conforming children.”

When a teacher asked McCray when children were too young for these lessons, McCray touted “I've done research” and “have got my doctorate degree.”

“Children are not too young at five years old. Children understand gender as early as three years old,” McCray added. McCray's classroom library reportedly includes books like “I am Jazz” to discuss transgenderism to young children and has “no boy bathroom, no girl bathroom” in order to “set the tone” that “everything is open” to the students.

Wenyuan Wu, who works at the Californians for Equal Rights Foundation, told Fox that there is a “general issue” of “radical teacher-activists” promoting this type of curriculum to young children in the United States. 


"There is a fine line between promoting understanding of transgenderism in older kids and adults and inculcating the cult among young children. The line is between free expression and grooming," she explained. 

"Instead of being the gatekeeper against toxic fads in education, radical teacher-activists are actively robbing America’s young and vulnerable their childhood innocence by obsessing over the dangerous gender ideology. What is worse is that such activism is encouraged, endorsed and sponsored by teachers unions," she added.

This year, an elementary school counselor in Milwaukee, Wisconsin was reportedly fired after speaking out against transgender ideology curriculum at a rally, which Townhall covered. She is now suing the school district.

"I oppose gender ideology ever entering the walls of my school building," the counselor, Marrisa Darlingh, said at the rally, according to a video of her remarks. 

"On my dead f***ing body will my students be exposed to the harms of gender identity ideology. Not a single one of my students under my f***ing watch will ever, ever transition socially and sure as hell not medically,” she added.


“I exist in this world to serve children. I exist to protect children,” she said. “F*** transgenderism. F*** it.”

According to the New York Post, a group protesting the rally campaigned to have Darlingh fired from her job, which instigated an investigation from the school district. Her employer and two HR employees reportedly brought misconduct proceedings against her in her suspension, as well as a “no-trespass order.”

“As a private citizen, I have the right to express my views concerning gender ideology on my own time, and identifying myself as a school counselor doesn’t negate that right," Darlingh said in a statement about her lawsuit. "My speech had little to no impact on my students, their educational experience or our therapeutic relationship. The basis of my unscripted speech stemmed from my desire to protect children.”

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