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Several Universities Implement Mask Mandates Ahead of School Year

AP Photo/Mark Lennihan

Ahead of the 2022-2023 school year, several colleges and universities have announced that masks will be required on campus to combat the spread of COVID-19.

Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. announced this week that students will be required to wear masks and be vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19 in order to attend classes in person. 


The mask mandate applies to classrooms and does not apply to gathering spaces, such as libraries and study rooms. Students will be required to wear a mask on school-sponsored transportation, The New York Post noted. Unless they have approved medical or religious exemptions, all students, staff and visitors are required to be vaccinated and boosted.

Late last month, The Columbus Dispatch reported that Ohio University will reinstate its indoor mask mandate for its 30,000 students.

In a tweet, the university said that the nearby area is at a high transmission level. 

OU's mandate applied to all indoor spaces on campus. Revised guidance published on Aug. 17 said that masks would only be required indoors if the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention deems the community transmission level to be "high." If the level is "medium," masks are recommended but not required.

Columbia University announced this month that masking will be required through the end of September “unless public health conditions indicate otherwise.” All students and staff are required to be vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19. University of Delaware has a similar approach and will also begin the fall semester requiring masks for the first few weeks.


Outkick’s Ian Miller slammed the mask mandates at universities in a piece published Wednesday.

How does it ever end for these people?

When do they give up on mandating masks for healthy 20 year olds who’ve already been vaccinated and boosted?

The depressing truth is that they’ll never give up.

Misinformation incompetent officials like Dr. Fauci and Rochelle Walensky have contributed to the endless cycle of pointless and destructive COVID mandates.

Because those same experts are entirely convinced that their useless policies have worked, they’ll never apologize, admit they were wrong, and permanently free college students from the prison of mandates.

Even though more and more studies have emerged confirming that masks and other interventions on college campuses are useless, it simply doesn’t matter.

So to protect the egos of overpaid bureaucrats, countless millions will be forced to endure restrictions on normal life forever.

Julio reported this week how Dr. Anthony Fauci, the soon-to-be retired head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, doubled-down during an interview with MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, saying he did everything right in his response to the COVID-19 pandemic. He claimed that his changes to COVID-19 restrictions came as result of the science “evolving.”


"With COVID, I mean, the things that we thought we knew in the beginning turned out as the months went by to not be the case, which really forced us to adapt and to change some of our policies and recommendations," he said in the interview. "That was interpreted by many as flip-flopping or not really knowing what’s going on when it really was the evolution of the science."

As Julio pointed out, one of Fauci’s biggest flip-flops during the pandemic was his support for non-medical grade masks.


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