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There's Been an Update Regarding the Hunter Biden Laptop Lawsuit Against Rudy Giuliani

AP Photo/Matt Slocum

Hunter Biden agreed to drop his laptop lawsuit against Rudy Guiliani and his former attorney Robert Costello that accused the two of being responsible for the “total annihilation” of his digital privacy.


The attorneys for the three parties filed an agreement on Thursday in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York that stipulated Biden would drop the suit. 

“This dismissal – along with Hunter Biden’s conviction based on evidence taken from the laptop – is a vindication for Mr. Giuliani and Mr. Costello as well as all of the media outlets who broke the laptop story in 2020 and suffered orchestrated censorship by social media, the leftist mainstream media, and others who engaged in election interference,” Giuliani’s attorney Joe Sibley told The New York Post in a statement, adding that Biden's legal team sought to dismiss the suit because “they know they have problems on the merits.”

Biden had alleged in September that Giuliani, Giuliani’s businesses, Costello and 10 unnamed individuals were “among those who have been primarily responsible for what has been described as the 'total annihilation' of Plaintiff’s digital privacy.”

Biden’s attorney Paul Salvaty argued in the lawsuit that the defendants "have dedicated an extraordinary amount of time and energy toward looking for, hacking into, tampering with, manipulating, copying, disseminating, and generally obsessing over data" that was "taken or stolen" from Biden's "devices or storage platforms."

The lawsuit also alleged that Biden's digital data was "manipulated, altered, and damaged" before it was sent to Giuliani and Costello. (NBC News)


US District Judge Jessica Clarke must green-light the motion to dismiss the lawsuit before it is finalized.

The filing comes days after Hunter Biden was convicted on three felony gun charges. 

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