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New York Democrat Sounds the Alarm About Terror Threat From Southern Border

AP Photo/Matt York

Republicans are not alone in sounding the alarm about the national security threat the U.S. southern border poses under the Biden administration. 

Following the recent arrests of eight Tajikistan nationals with suspected ties to ISIS, NYC Democratic Councilman Robert Holden said the nation is heading “for another 9/11.” 


The eight foreign nationals all crossed the southern border illegally to enter the U.S.

“It’s frightening,” Holden said. “I think we should have a secure border. We should know who’s coming into our country – we don’t. And millions of migrants and illegal aliens have gotten through. So, it’s a situation that we’re just, you know, really rolling the dice here." 

In a joint statement to Fox News, the FBI and DHS said the eight individuals are “in ICE custody pending removal proceedings.”

"As the FBI and DHS have recently described in public and partner bulletins, the U.S. has been in a heightened threat environment,” the statement added. “The FBI and DHS will continue working around the clock with our partners to identify, investigate, and disrupt potential threats to national security." 

The recent arrests underscore the possibility that [Islamic State in Khorasan Province] and other Islamist terrorist groups are exploiting the ongoing US border crisis with the intent to strike American soil. The 2021 US withdrawal from Afghanistan has enabled terrorist networks to regroup in that country and regionally, contributing to the ISKP’s resurgence and empowering the group to expand its operational capacity. This resurgence and the US government’s failure to stem illegal border crossings could enable the infiltration of terrorists into the US via Mexico. (Long War Journal)


Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) has also been outspoken about the need for a secure border, wondering in a recent interview with Fox News when that became so "controversial."

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