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Dozens of Babylon Bee Headlines Have Come True. Here's the Complete List.

Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP

A spreadsheet recently shared by Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon shows more than 70 instances where reality has very closely matched content on the satirical website.


The first entry is a headline that reads, “Captain America Rebooted as Feminist, Atheist, Transgender Hydra Agent,” which was originally published Oct. 7 2016. By March 15, 2021, the Babylon Bee was right, as Marvel had named its latest Captain America as an “LGBTQ+ activist.”

While the topics the Babylon Bee writes about vary, from politics to religion and health to foreign policy, the website has been prescient in all of them. 

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As Dillon observed, quoting Shakespeare, “Jesters do oft prove prophets.”

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