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Biden's Latest Comment on Court Packing

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

The question of where Joe Biden stands on court packing has taken center focus in the final weeks of the campaign. If Judge Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed, plenty of high ranking Democrats have gone on record saying that’s the strategy they should pursue, but Biden and running mate Kamala Harris have largely avoided giving a specific answer. Last week, Biden even said voters didn’t deserve to know where he stood on the issue until after the election.


Old speeches have resurfaced of then-Sen. Biden condemning court packing as a “power grab” and a “bonehead idea.” More recently, in the Democratic primary he warned that Democrats would “live to rue that day” if they went forward with it. But where does he stand now?

While he still didn’t explicitly say one way or the other, Biden told a reporter in Cincinnati that he doesn’t like the idea.

"I'm not a fan of court packing, but I don't want to get off on that whole issue,” he told WKRC. “I want to keep focused. The president would love nothing better than to fight about whether or not I would in fact pact the court or not pack the court. The focus is why is he doing what he's doing now.”


He also claimed Monday that the only reason it’s become an issue is because the press is “fascinated with it.”

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