Orlando shooter Omar Mateen’s alleged lover has offered up another motive for the mass murder at Pulse nightclub: he wanted revenge against Puerto Ricans.
In an interview with Univision, the man, identified as ‘Miguel’, said he had met Mateen on a gay dating app and had been in a sexual relationship with him for two months.
“He hated Puerto Rican gays because of the bad things they did to him,” Miguel reportedly said.
He said said Mateen was attracted to Latinos but disliked Puerto Ricans. In an accompanying article from Noticias Univision, Miguel told Salinas that Mateen didn’t like Puerto Ricans because he had an unprotected threesome with men he met at Pulse. One of the men, Mateen had told him, had HIV.
Univision noted it has not been unable to independently verify the man's tory, but said the FBI confirmed that officials have been questioning the man. The man's voice was disguised and he appeared to be wearing a mask and makeup in the video interview.
“I believe this is not terrorism,” he added. “He said the Muslim religion is a beautiful, beautiful religion, where everything is about love.”
During the 911 calls, however, Mateen pledged his allegiance to ISIS and demanded that the U.S. stop bombing Syria and Iraq.
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