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The Obamacare Abortion "Compromise"

Via Ed Morrissey, anti-abortion Blue Dog Democrat (and possible kingmaker) Bart Stupak says he's ready to deal. On the other hand, there are reports that fifty Democrats will walk away from the legislation
if strict abortion language is put in place. So what's the deal?

I've maintained that there's no way that this bill will go down on the fault of "not being liberal enough." This is something the Left has worked too long, too hard on to give up for something as minor as an abortion provision. My guess is that the rumored "Presidential executive order" is the compromise. The liberal Democrats are freed from voting for a bill with strict abortion provisions and the pro-life Democrats have an assurance from their highest power that there will be no abortion funding. It also has the advantage, to the pro-abortion Dems, of being much easier to get rid of. No legislation or votes or anything so messy; all it needs is for the President to reverse position, something that President Obama is very good at.

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