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Biden Administration Vows to Reinstate Censorship Regime

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

After the Supreme Court failed 6-3 Thursday to address the federal government's vast online censorship regime the Biden administration, which was previously ordered by a federal judge to stop all communication with big tech companies, is vowing to reinstate their practice of controlling information on the internet. 


"The Supreme Court’s decision is the right one, and it helps ensure the Biden Administration can continue our important work with technology companies to protect the safety and security of the American people, after years of extreme and unfounded Republican attacks on public officials who engaged in critical work to keep Americans safe," White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre released in a statement. 

In the dissent Justice Samuel Alito, joined by Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch, warned about the consequences of the Court's ruling. 

"This is one of the most important free speech cases to reach this Court in years. Freedom of speech serves many valuable purposes, but its most important role is protection of speech that is essential to democratic self-government," Alito wrote. 

"We are obligated to tackle the free speech issue that the case presents. The Court, however, shirks that duty and thus permits the successful campaign of coercion in this case to stand as an attractive model for future officials who want to control what the people say, hear, and think. That is regrettable," he continued. "And because of the perpetrators’ high positions, it was even more dangerous. It was blatantly unconstitutional, and the country may come to regret the Court’s failure to say so...If a coercive campaign is carried out with enough sophistication, it may get by. That is not a message this Court should send."


Here's a preview of what to expect from the White House now that their power to censor has been reinstated. 

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