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Crenshaw Blasts 'Lame Excuse' For Voting Against $1.7 Trillion Omnibus Package

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Republican Congressman Dan Crenshaw is detailing why he voted against the $1.7 trillion omnibus package on Friday, paving the way for President Joe Biden's signature after the monster legislation was passed in the U.S. Senate. He's also calling claims lawmakers didn't have enough time to read the legislation an "excuse" for voting against it, arguing there are much better reasons why the bill should have been opposed. 


Meanwhile House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who is hoping to become House Speaker when Republicand take control of Congress on January 3, 2023, blasted the legislation from the floor on Friday before its passage. McCarthy also lambasted the absence of lawmakers who voted by proxy, a pandemic policy implemented and currently continued by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. 


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