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Trump Was Right About Germany and NATO. Their Latest Move Proves It.

(AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced Sunday he will dedicate at least two percent of the country's GDP to defense, fully satisfying membership requirements for the NATO alliance. For years Germany has been paying well below the requirement and committed amount to deter Russian aggression. 


But it wasn't so long ago that President Donald Trump repeatedly urged all European countries, including Germany, to step up and fulfill their commitments to NATO. 

"What good is NATO if Germany is paying Russia billions of dollars for gas and energy? Why are there only 5 out of 29 countries that have met their commitment? The U.S. is paying for Europe’s protection, then loses billions on Trade. Must pay 2% of GDP IMMEDIATELY, not by 2025," Trump tweeted in July 2018. 


In fact, at a NATO meeting in 2018 Trump pointed out how absurd it was that Germany was entering into oil and gas contracts with Russia while demanding the United States foot the bill for their defense against Vladimir Putin. 

Watch the full exchange below: 

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