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Now That Obama is Stumping for Joe Again, the Trump Campaign Has Some Questions

(AP Photo/Michael Sohn)

In the final two weeks before Election Day, former President Barack Obama is back on the campaign trail for Vice President Joe Biden. 


In light of his return, the Trump campaign has some questions about his administration's spying during the 2016 election. 

“Joe Biden is clearly not up to the rigors of campaigning for president, so he’s calling in Barack Obama as a reinforcement. And it begs the question: How much did Obama know about his White House being for sale to the highest foreign bidder while Joe Biden was his Vice President? We now know that Hunter Biden was on a world tour, selling access to his powerful father," Trump 2020 Communications Director Tim Murtaugh released in a statement. "There’s a reason Obama waited until there were no Democrats left in the primaries before he finally endorsed Joe Biden. It’s because Biden has been a failure for 47 years in Washington and is now compromised by the Communist Party of China. And Obama can’t help Biden defend his own record of putting foreign interests ahead of working Americans in bad trade policies, crushing our energy jobs under massive regulations, killing manufacturing jobs, and refusing to enforce our borders.”


President Obama also campaigned for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton 2016. He was unsuccessful in his quest to get her over the finish line and into the White House. 

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