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Senator Kennedy Has Some Words About Socialists Posing as Democrats

(AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

Last night during the second 2020 Democrat debate in Detroit, the divide between so-called "moderate" Democrats and the socialists in the party was on full display. 


But Republican Senator John Kennedy is warning voters shouldn't be fooled by alleged distinctions between the two and is painting the entire 2020 field as solidly in the socialist camp.

"I'm not buying the story line of progressives vs moderates. I would remind you that the lesser of two socialists is still a socialist, and what I heard last night, even from so-called less liberal candidates, and I’m not impugning their integrity, but even from the less liberal candidates, I heard a job-killing, soul-crushing socialist agenda. The only thing missing was the Cuban national anthem,” Kennedy said Wednesday morning during an interview with Fox News. "Same old stuff. Socialism, illegal immigration, abortion, socialized medicine or moral goods, free enterprise, border security, sanctity of life, you're on the job health insurance those are all moral bads and at the rate my Democratic friends are going, the American people are going to have a very stark choice at the end of this election. It's going to be growth vs redistribution. It's going to be do you believe in freedom or more free stuff? And my Democratic friends want to pay for that more free stuff out of your bank account."

The second Democrat debate is tonight and starts at 8 pm et on CNN.

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