UPDATE: A new Senate version of SB5 has also been introduced. The knew legislation is SB-1 and has the same requirements as HB2, which was introduced to the Texas House earlier today. Both bills are expected to be debated on July 8th and 9th.
A new pro-life bill that limits abortions to 20-weeks and requires abortion clinics to meet basic medical standards has officially been filed in the Texas State House. The legislation, HB2, specifically says the state has an obligation to protect the unborn. From the text of the bill:
The compelling state interest in protecting the lives of unborn children from the stage at which substantial medical evidence indicates that an unborn child is capable of feeling pain is intended to be separate from and independent of the compelling state interest in protecting the lives of unborn children from the stage of viability.
This legislation comes a week after SB5, a bill in the Texas Senate requiring the same standards as the new HB2, was defeated after Senator Wendy Davis filibustered in favor of abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
Pro-abortion crowds outside of the State Capitol in Austin are growing, with hundreds of people wearing matching orange shirts and holding signs that say "Stand With Wendy."
Anti-abortion activists were singing amazing grace inside the Capitol earlier today while those in the orange shirts attempted to shout over them.
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