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The Left's Dangerous New Line of Attack: SWATting

What does the far left do when they disagree with conservative bloggers? They call the police from a phone program pretending to be (insert conservative blogger here), say something horrific such as "I just shot my wife," hang up and then laugh as a local SWAT team descends on the house of (insert conservative blogger here) for no real reason.


This ladies and gentleman is not a joke, it's what far left activists are doing to silence conservatives. CNN contributor and Red State editor-in-chief Erick Erickson and his family were targeted over the weekend. The SWATting occurred just after Erickson had written a piece about left wing domestic terrorist and convicted Speedway bomber Brett Kimberlin. Who is Brett Kimberlin?  From Lee Stranahan, the writer who first exposed Kimberlin and encouraged others to do the same.

Brett Kimberlin is a convicted bomber, perjurer and left-wing attack dog. He’s attacked — in no particular order — conservative bloggers like Andrew Breibart, Patterico, Liberty Chick, Aaron Worthing, Stacy McCain and others.

This is no war of words; Kimberlin is a serial litigator who has filed over 100 lawsuits by his own account and he takes people to court, claiming they are harassing him. He calls their employers.


Erickson was told by local police someone had called from his phone number, pretended to be him and claimed there was a shooting. Erickson wrote about the incident:

Last week we spent a lot of time writing about Brett Kimberlin and the incident involving blogger Patterico where someone spoofed his phone number and told 911 he had shot his wife.

Tonight, my family was sitting around the kitchen table eating dinner when sheriffs deputies pulled up in the driveway.

Someone called 911 from my address claiming there had been an accidental shooting.

It wasn’t nearly the trauma that Patterico suffered, but I guess the Erickson household is on somebody’s radar.

Luckily it was two sheriffs deputies who knew me and I had already, last week, advised the Sheriff’s Department to be on the look out for something like this.


The attack on Erickson came after an attack on conservative blogger Patterico, who was contacted during the radio show Darby-Stranahan by someone claiming to be his SWATter. The caller also mocked conservative Michelle Malkin for her cousin Marizella, being missing.

A person claiming to be my swatter called in twice to the show: once at 50:18 and again at about 65 minutes in. I was on the show and the person claiming to be the swatter addressed me directly, twice. He called me “buddy,” mocked me for having been swatted, laughed at me repeatedly, and mocked Michelle Malkin for the situation where her cousin is missing. He asked me what it was like to be swatted, and absurdly claimed that he was present that night, watching me led out in handcuffs.


DOJ whistleblower Christian Adams is calling on the Obama Justice Department to put an end to this madness, saying there is no place for political terrorism in America.

The high-tech Brownshirts on the left have now “swatted” Eric Erickson. Two things are certain.  First, the United States Department of Justice could stop this behavior quickly because it almost certainly constitutes a federal crime.  And second, the use of term “Brownshirt” to describe this swatting gang has not been used more appropriately since the Strumabteilung made their debut in 1921.

The only reason Erickson and the others were attacked was because of their exercise of First Amendment rights.  The only reason they were targeted is because of their conservative political speech, speech with which the swatters disagreed.

I wrote in my book Injustice how this administration has “abandoned law abiding citizens and enabled the lawless.”  But even though Eric Holder has chosen to do nothing about New Black Panther Party threats, there are plenty of Assistant United States Attorneys who respect the rule of law and serve in local DOJ offices across the nation.  I worked with many of them while at I was at DOJ, and they could stop the swatting.

These DOJ lawyers can do something about this dangerous attack on free speech by the leftist swatters.  These DOJ lawyers can initiate FBI investigations which would quickly reveal the wrongdoers, then prosecute them.


Stranahan is offering a $1000 reward for information that leads to a conviction about the person behind SWATting.

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