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Fidel Castro on Obama: A Robot Would Be Better

Communist Dictator Fidel Castro is weighing in on the U.S. 2012 presidential race and doesn't have very kind words for current President Barack Obama, saying a robot would be better in the Oval Office than the current occupant.


"Is it not obvious that the worst of all is the absence in the White House of a robot capable of governing the United States and preventing a war that would end the life of our species?" Castro, 85, wrote in one of the "reflections" he often publishes in Cuba's state-controlled media.

Under the title "The Best President for the United States," Cuba's ex-president said that if faced with a choice between Obama, a Republican rival or a robot, "90 percent of voting Americans, especially Hispanics, blacks and the growing number of the impoverished middle class, would vote for the robot."

Castro may be right about Americans voting for a robot over Obama, so long as the robot would quit signing executive orders and appointing czars... I kid.

So does this mean Castro is finally coming around to free market ideas held by Republicans? Not exactly.

"Worse still, any of the Republican candidates for the presidency... carry with them more nuclear weapons than ideas for peace," said Castro, alluding to several of the would-be Obama challengers who have called in particular for a stronger position against Iran, which the West says is seeking to build an atomic bomb.

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