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Here We Go Again With the 'Biden Just Loves His Son' Narrative

AP Photo/Jeff Roberson

Former Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill (D) told MSNBC host Jen Psaki the only reason why Congressional Republicans' growing call to impeach President Joe Biden is because he loves he drug-addicted son, Hunter.


"What accusations and arguments do you think they’re going to make, given this didn’t go exactly as planned today?" Psaki asked.

"They’re going to keep doing what they have been doing. They’re going to try to indict a father for loving his son, who has been addicted to drugs and/or alcohol. And without evidence of the father doing anything other than loving that son," McCaskill said.

Of course, McCaskill is flat out wrong. The reasoning behind the calls for impeachment is because of the growing mountain of evidence from whistleblowers and former business associates of Hunter show the elder Biden was involved in his son's foreign business dealings.

This is in contrast to the ever-evolving denials from the Biden administration, where it has gone from, "He has never talked with Hunter about his business affairs" to "He was never involved."



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