Stephan Cannon, 26, was sentenced to life in prison without parole for murdering former St. Louis Police captain David Dorn during the BLM riots in 2020. Dorn was killed responding to a burglary alarm for his friend's pawn shop when Cannon and other looters attacked and killed Dorn.
A Missouri jury convicted Cannon in July, according to Fox News. Dorn and four officers were hit with bullets. Other officers were had with rocks and fireworks thrown at them and 55 businesses were burglarized or damaged across St. Louis during the riots.
During the sentencing, Cannon and his lawyer remained adamant that he did not kill Dorn.
Defense attorney says his client is not the person who killed Capt. Dorn
— Christine Byers (@ChristineDByers) October 5, 2022
Cannon says he’s sorry to family but he didn’t kill David Dorn
— Christine Byers (@ChristineDByers) October 5, 2022
*his client
— Christine Byers (@ChristineDByers) October 5, 2022
Ann Wood-Dorn, Dorn's widow, said during the hearing her husband "became a victim of the very thing he fought against" and one his sons, Brian Powell, directly told Cannon, "I hope your eyes are woke. You still have time to get everything together and make amends with your maker."
Lisa Dorn says her father would have tried to mentor Stephan Cannon. “He was murdered by the type of young man my father tried to save.”
— Christine Byers (@ChristineDByers) October 5, 2022
Lisa Dorn says her father’s death has been used as a “political pawn” to support causes her father would never support. “He would not approve of any of it.”
— Christine Byers (@ChristineDByers) October 5, 2022
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