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Senate Democrats Want to Draft Women

Democrats made a ruckus on the Senate floor after adding “language” to the annual defense authorization bill, requiring women to register for the draft. 

Senate Republicans and conservatives strongly oppose the provision proposed by Senate Democrats requiring women to register for the draft. The strong pushback will make it hard for the bill to pass before election day. It is seen as possibly harmful for Democrat incumbents running for reelection in Republican-leaning or battleground states, The Hill reported


Candidate Sam Brown, a Purple Heart recipient in the military, is running against Sen. Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.) and has criticized Rosen's support for the provision. 

On June 15, Brown posted a video on Twitter saying that “forcing” women to join the military is “unacceptable.” He also called out Rosen, saying, “Shame on Jacky Rosen.”

Some Senate Democrats favored the proposal because they believed it was in line with radical left ideology. For instance, one Senator Democrat claimed that including women in the draft would create a "fair and equitable" draft.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chair Jack Reed (D-R.I.) also supported the proposal, claiming women do not have to serve as front-line infantry troops.

“It’s not like World War II, where we need a lot of infantry," Reed said. "We need cyber experts, we need intelligence analysts, linguists, etc. Wait a second, there are a lot of women out there that can do this better than men."


On June 25, Reed went on CNN to defend his stance and said the draft "just made sense."

Unfortunately, many Senate Democrats forget that the radical left does not have a real ideology and often creates new beliefs to best suit their needs at the time. At this time, some Democratic women are fine with being excluded from the draft. Therefore, what Senate Democrats thought would be a safe vote could possibly harm their chance of keeping their seat in the Senate. 


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