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Kamala Cackles: 'We Are Very Proud of Bidenomics'

AP Photo/LM Otero

Late last week, the markets took a dive following the publication of poor economic data within the US manufacturing sector, as well as a much worse than expected July jobs report.  Previous months' jobs numbers were also revised downward, as the United States unemployment rate surged to 4.3 percent.  The word 'recession' is now very much back in the lexicon, with questions swirling about whether the Fed may need to consider an 'emergency' rate cut.  The markets opened way down yesterday again, with deep anxieties percolating.  Stocks go up and down, and markets tend to overreact, but Americans are now staring at a difficult reality: On top of prices that are 20 percent higher across the board under Biden and Harris -- fueled by the inflationary spending binge they were warned against -- the prospect of a recession now looms, which would pack even more economic pain.  


Unfortunately, such pain is the inevitable consequence of high inflation.  Virtually everything costs a lot more, and now the economy is slowing.  This is Bidenomics in action, and the co-pilot for these policies is a big, big fan of them:

Very proud.  Does she still agree with herself, or will a faceless campaign aide announce that the Vice President has never heard of the term 'Bidenomics,' and won't take any questions on the matter? Joe Biden's job approval on the economy is underwater by more than 20 points.  He just said this a few days ago:

Does she agree with the man who is technically still president that their policies have 'cured' the US economy? Will Kamala Harris answer a single question about any of this? Harris has endorsed every single component of 'Bidenomics' and raved about how great it's been. And remember, her own policies -- untethered from Biden's -- are worse. If you hated inflation based on the trillions that were already spent, imagine how bad it could get if Harris' Green New Deal and government takeover of healthcare are added to the pile. Those two policies alone are estimated to cost in the ballpark of $10 trillion annually.  The federal government spent $6-plus trillion total last year.  I'll leave you with a reminder that Harris and Biden are very adept at spending tons of taxpayer money.  Positive results are a different story:


Remember, if she'd gotten her way, Bidenomics would be much more destructive:

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