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Surprise: Famous Hamas Sympathizer Caught in Racist, Homophobic Rant

AP Photo/Marco Ugarte

'Famous' might be a stretch to describe the father of two supermodels with massive followings -- but it does seem as though those apples haven't fallen too far from the tree.  The 'tree,' in this case, is Mohamed Hadid, a wealthy building developer of Palestinian descent.  He has been a repeated source of heinous anti-Semitic rants and ravings for years, and especially since the Hamas massacre of October 7, 2023.  In the latest example of his undisguised bigotry spasms, Hadid has sent multiple ugly messages to New York Congressman Ritchie Torres, an outspokenly pro-Israel Democrat about whom we've written previously.  Torres is black, Hispanic and gay; Hadid targeted these elements of the 36-year-old's identity in the hate-filled notes, which were revealed over the weekend by the New York Post:


“You worse than the rats of New York sewage system. They have bigger brains than you. You might get a job as bouncer at gay bar,” Hadid, 75, told Torres in an Instagram direct message sent from his verified account — adding the Congressman was a “slave to whites.”...“Make sure you dress as KKK to hide that ugly gray colored face of yours,” the developer added. “I know about Bronx.” Torres, 36, made history in 2021 when he became the first openly gay African American, and first openly gay Hispanic member, of Congress. “You are just unusual Black and colorful mouth for Israeli and AIPAC and looking for payday of over 500K,” Hadid saId in another message, referring to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a pro-Israel lobbying group.

In just a few lines, this deranged bigot unfavorably compared Torres to vermin, made a gratuitous reference to his sexuality, and literally insulted the color of his skin. This is textbook homophobia and racism. Hadid spewed this venom in the context of accusing the Congressman of being a "colorful mouth" paid off by the Jews, which is textbook anti-Semitism, with some additional racism thrown in.  Torres fired back:

“Whether it is dehumanizing me as worse than the rats of the NYC sewage system or telling me to dress like the KKK to ‘hide that gray colored face of yours,’ Mr. Hadid has hurled just about every racist insult at me shorting of calling me the N-word,” Torres said.  “That Mr. Hadid felt so at ease demonizing and dehumanizing a black Member of Congress reveals a tragic truth about our politics: if you are a person of color and pro-Israel, you are fair game for racist invective.”


Hadid subsequently posted a bogus, nasty 'apology:'

Where to begin with this garbage?  First, it's not an apology at all, and certainly not to the object of his bigotry.  It's just another ugly rant, with the only sorrow being expressed toward Hadid's pro-Hamas "community," for distracting from their cause.  He robs Torres of agency and intellect, again claiming that the Congressman has been bought off and 'used' by the You-Know-Who's.  He twice references Israel's supposed "genocide," which is an egregious and discredited slander, especially considering the explicitly genocidal aims of Hadid's murderous brothers in solidarity.  Furthermore, Israel does not mistreat 'black and brown' people; minorities live and thrive in Israel, where multiple cultures, ethnicities and religions peacefully coexist.  By contrast, the only Jews in Gaza before the post-slaughter IDF invasion were the hostages Hamas stole, tortured, and raped.    People like Hadid look at these facts and shout 'apartheid' at Israel.

Hadid also accuses Israel of "pinkwashing," an insulting claim popular within the unholy alliance of radical leftists, Islamists, and anti-Semites (there's a lot of overlap).  Israel protects LGBT rights in way that no other country in the region does.  Palestinians assault and execute gay people, including a Hamas leader accused of homosexuality.  Pointing out this distinction isn't "pink-washing."  It's truth-telling that exposes so many anti-Israel "progressives" as disgusting hypocrites.  Then there's this repulsive comment from Hadid's screed:


"To send black and brown and other marginalized communities to do the dirty work of two countries that have never respected them is wrong."

Notice how this attack (which again casts Torres as a pawn being manipulated, rather than an independent-minded elected official with principles) is not only a slam against Israel, but also the United States -- apparently justified in this man's mind by his self-proclaimed "refugee" status. America has made him very wealthy, yet he dumps on the country anyway, claiming that it doesn't "respect" people from his background. He has been free, presumably, to re-settle in Gaza or the West Bank whenever he'd like -- yet he's chosen to live in glitzy areas of Southern California, where he owns a high-end winery in Beverly Hills, among other lucrative ventures. What a victim. Among the virulently anti-Israel crowd, Hadid is not alone in denigrating America.  Indeed, hatred of America and Israel (and Western civilization itself) is a common denominator among many within these lowlife ranks:  

Given the revolting scenes at and around Columbia University in recent days (and for months, really), a rabbi at the school urged students to stay away from campus for their own safety.  This is an 'elite' school in the United States of America in 2024.  Absolutely sick:


Look at this:

I'll leave you with elements of the 'news' media once again carrying propaganda water for Hamas

Would this be the same Associated Press that claimed to have no idea its Gaza bureau shared a building with Hamas (just like UNRWA had no inkling that a Hamas data center was operating directly under its Gaza headquarters, and just how multiple hospital operators in Gaza insisted they had no clue Hamas was operating out of their facilities)? 

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