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Turmoil: DNC Kicks Off Amid Controversy and Division, Party Chairwoman Ousted

Much has been made of the lack of party cohesion on the Republican side of the aisle, a reality underscored by the events of last week: An acrimonious floor fight, a primetime speaker refusing to endorse the nominee and being booed off the stage, and the nominee dredging up insane conspiracies while vowing to exact retribution on several former primary competitors. And internal polling numbers like this must give RNC officials indigestion. Hillary Clinton's campaign is seeking to sow further discord, releasing this video highlighting clip after clip of GOP officials -- including several stalwart Trump allies -- disavowing and condemning various statements by the man who was crowned in Cleveland last Thursday:


Trump's campaign has sought to play up how unified the party is by noting how much applause the nominee received from delegates during his acceptance speech. This is...interesting:

But if the media had plenty of storylines about a fractured and infighting Republican Party to cover last week, similar material abounds among Democrats.  As Christine reported yesterday, party chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was ousted as the presiding officer of the convention; the DNC email hack scandal seems to have sped the arrival of her long-awaited and imminently-expected demise in her current role.  She is now out, effective after the convention.  I wonder if she regrets this trolling of RNC chairman Reince Priebus last week.  Oops:  


Heh.  Among other things, the leaked emails prove that Democratic officials were actively hostile to Bernie Sanders' campaign from the very beginning.  They provide smoking gun proof that the powers that be at least partially rigged the system, deliberately stacking the deck against him.  Many Sanders supporters have expressed outrage online, with Sanders' campaign manager pointing out that even if the Clinton camp is correct that the Russians are actively aiding Trump's campaign (which is not totally far-fetched, actually), that still doesn't change the substance of the newly-revealed messages.  The Vermont Socialist himself is once again declining to make hey of a damaging story, confirming that he was never really serious about beating Hillary:

I'll leave you with a new development from that other, more serious, email-related controversy:


The State Department says the email chains in question would cause "exceptionally grave damage to national security if publicly released." Meanwhile, Mrs. Clinton cannot stop lying about the scandal.  So, to recap:

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