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Market Soars as Trump Discusses Wuhan Action Plan

AP Photo/Richard Drew

After days up tumbling numbers on Wall Street, the Dow Jones Industrial Average shot up by 2,000 points as President Trump delivered remarks about the National State of Emergency declared because of the Wuhan virus. 


The market showed strong confidence as the president introduced several corporations as a partnership intent on fighting the Wuhan virus in the United States, not as competitors but as allies. American megastore giants Target, Walgreens, Walmart, CVS, and others were all represented by CEOs and company leaders to announce their partnership in providing resources and space to test for and fight the Wuhan virus. 

Social media erupted with praise for the president and his plan to bring together free market foes to fight an illness and fight for America. One CEO passionately proclaimed, "normally we're viewed as competitors but today we're focused on a common competitor, and that's defeating the threat of the [Wujan] coronavirus."

The market ticked up as each participating corporation was announced, expressing America's relief that it would remain in business as the country fought the pandemic of Wuhan in the coming weeks and months. 


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