Even worse, Tasy said that the latest Guttmacher Institute Study showed New Jersey had the second-highest teen abortion rate in the nation. An earlier study published in 2000 showed New Jersey had the highest black teen abortion rate in the U.S. (the institute listed this statistic for New Jersey in their latest report as "unavailable").
In case you missed the story earlier, thanks to Christie's veto pen, a Planned Parenthood facility in New Jersey will close because of lack of funding. reported that this particular facility doesn't perform abortions, but it does give abortion referrals.
A great point made in this article is that cutting Planned Parenthood funding is actually helping New Jersey get its spending in order.
Saving children's lives and being fiscally responsible? Two gold stars for that. Congratulations, Gov. Christie.
Also, for a more detailed look, you can read an op-ed by Tasy here.
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