Guy posted this video in the Green Room -- but we need a post over here at Townhall, don’t you think? To borrow a line from Rahm Emanuel, never let a good blog post "go to waste."
Part of what makes any politician a compelling legislator once in office is one’s willingness to be (ahem) "held accountable." So it’s no surprise, then, that this is precisely what Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) pledged to do back in 2009. The evidence (via America Rising):
Voter: “...Would you be willing to accept 100% responsibility, 100% accountability for the failure or success of whatever you vote for?”
Landrieu: “I do...”
Fast forward three-and-a-half years after Landrieu voted in lock-step with her party to pass the Affordable Care Act, a vote she apparently does not regret. Is she still whistling the same tune, I wonder? Obamacare, after all, is crumbling before our very eyes and every Democrat with a brain (or more accurately, every Democrat up for re-election) knows it. They’re scared. Congressional Democrats failed to fix a "minor glitch” in the law when it was still possible, as Guy has noted, and now they’re looking for something -- anything -- to save face. It doesn’t matter that Landrieu’s “understanding” of Obamacare at the time she voted for it was that "people" could keep their health insurance plans, as the president invariably said, “no matter what.” Millions of people are now losing their coverage. Question: Does she take any responsibility for that?
Voting records are stubborn things, John Adams might have said if he were still alive today -- especially if you're a Red State Democrat facing Louisiana voters next year.
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