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CNBC Anchor Baffled That NYT Reporter 'Can't Even Bring Himself' to Condemn Bloomberg News's 2020 Bias

AP Photo/Mark Lennihan

Bloomberg News found itself in a tough spot when its founder Michael Bloomberg decided to run for president. How would it cover the 2020 election now, with its boss in the running? The outlet's solution, which raised a few eyebrows, was that it would only investigate President Trump, and avoid doing the same for the Democratic candidates. After hearing of its plans, the Trump campaign decided to ban Bloomberg News from the president's events.


While many other outlets and reports criticized Bloomberg News's controversial decision, The New York Times stood by them and argued that the organization deserved its credentials. New York Times reporter David McCabe doubled down on the defense during a CNBC interview Tuesday morning and even tried to deflect the criticism to Trump and his long-held distrust of the media. As if that's the real story here.

“I think more broadly, it’s really a part of a trend where the president and the administration have been willing to push back on news organizations and push back frankly on channels of information and brand them as biased,” McCabe said. “We’ve seen this with the social media platforms, as well. So I think the bigger picture here is less about one news organization than about how the president and his administration and his campaign brand either the world of media…”


CNBC anchor Joe Kernen couldn't believe what he was hearing - or not hearing.

“So, you can’t even comment on this act?” Kernen said. “You’re just back to just Trump hates all the press? You can’t find it in yourself to say maybe this isn’t such a great idea to not cover Bloomberg and Democrats, but to investigate Trump? You can’t even bring yourself to say that because you’re at The New York Times? Seriously?”

Again, McCabe reverted to talking about “the bigger picture.”

Kernen gave up.


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