Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS), who served on the House Select Committee on Benghazi, sounded off on the FBI’s decision not to pursue charges against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton outside of the Capitol Hill Club on Wednesday.
“I’ve read those 22 top secret emails that she had on her private server,” he said. “Now Director Comey's confirmed likely they’re in the hands of our enemies.”
“If you have a friend, a family member who’s in the military, they are less safe today thanks to what Secretary Clinton did,” he concluded.
Pompeo added that anyone who’s jeopardized American security should not have access to national security secrets.
For more on Clinton’s failure to keep Americans safe, take a glance at the Benghazi committee’s final report.
Pompeo said he and his colleagues on the House intelligence committee are searching for a legislative response to the FBI’s decision.
(Video Credit: Leigh Wolf.)
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