Russian leadership has again proved they are no fan of liberty. A new piece of legislation in Russia that was advertised as an "anti-terror" law will prohibit Christians from evangelizing outside of church buildings. Here's how the new restrictive rule works:
If the laws are enacted, missionaries will not be able to preach, share the gospel or engage and teach people about the Bible unless they have a permit. Evangelizing will also be limited to certain places, such as church grounds and other places designated for religious activities.
As a result, only the Russian Orthodox Church will be able to reach out to ethnic Russians.
"We are witnessing a rising authoritarianism in a declining state," said Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) on the Senate floor this week. Vladimir Putin's regime, Sasse continued, routinely tramples on citizens' freedoms.
"This Russian law would be an affront to free people everywhere at home and abroad who believe that rights of conscience the rights to free speech and to freedom of religion are pre-political," Sasse said. "These freedoms do not ebb and flow with history. They do not rise and fall with the political fortunes of a despot. Governments do not give us these rights and governments cannot take them away."
Sasse also noted that Russia's bullying cannot simply be confronted by "reset buttons," a direct dig at former Secretary of State's Hillary Clinton's failed attempt at diplomacy.
Watch the whole four and a half minute-speech below - a perfect reminder of how precious freedom is on this Independence Day.
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