Here's an older video that's making the rounds on Facebook again after the terrorist attack at Pulse nightclub in Orlando that saw an Islamic terrorist murder 49 people. In it, liberal TV host Bill Maher explains why it's absurd to equate radical Islam with other religions, as most religions do not have large percentages of adherents who believe that apostates should be killed. Maher called it the "soft bigotry of low expectations" as to why there would be a bigger outcry if people were being beheaded for homosexuality in the Vatican as opposed to Saudi Arabia, where it actually happens.
Take a look here:
Although the video dates back to 2014, it's sadly still relevant today. The outcry is against guns and homophobia, not the fact that the terrorist repeatedly pledged allegiance to ISIS and cited U.S. invasions in the Middle East as motives for his attack.
I don't say this often, so here goes: Maher is right. The liberals' soft bigotry of low expectations when it comes to Islam is costing human lives, and it's about time that society comes to grips with the fact that this behavior is unacceptable.
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