Friday was the 43rd annual March for Life, and drew hundreds of thousands of people from across the country to march through Washington, D.C. to protest abortion. Due to the massive blizzard that struck the city as the march drew to a close, hundreds of pilgrims (including National Review's Kathryn Lopez, who live-tweeted the experience) wound up stranded on the Pennsylvania Turnpike for nearly a full day as traffic was completely stopped by the storm.
One group of pilgrims, however, did not let the intense conditions stop them from celebrating Mass on the side of the road, complete with an altar built out of snow.
Even stuck on the interstate, we still had Holy Mass. One bus group got out to build an altar out of snow, funny,...
Posted by Missionary Benedictine Sisters - Norfolk Priory on Saturday, January 23, 2016
According to the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Norfolk, NE, the Mass drew about 500 attendees and was celebrated by six priests. One priest had 300 hosts on him that were consecrated for the Mass.
Attendees of the "turnpike Mass" tweeted about their unique experience:
Just had Mass on the side of the road in a blizzard. #wearecatholic #turnpikemass
— Jack Dorcey (@ReluctantJack) January 23, 2016
So amazing to be apart of #turnpikemass one of the coolest things I've ever done.
— Anastasia Rogers? (@AnastasiaJoRog) January 23, 2016
#turnpikemass coolest thing eva
— Emily Rash (@emily_rash5) January 23, 2016
And sometimes you get stranded on the #PAturnpike and have Mass on an altar made of snow. #turnpikemass #whywemarch
— Pat Millea (@wackybasilisk) January 23, 2016
Bad weather can’t stop the Mass! God is great! #TurnpikeMass #Catholic
— Esmeralda Kiczek (@EsmeraldaKiczek) January 24, 2016
What better way to kill blizzard isolation boredom than mass outside? ?? #TurnPikeMass
— Erin Staley (@ErinStaley) January 23, 2016
This trip is full of new experiences but the best is probably having mass outside in the blizzard #WeAreCatholic #TurnpikeMass
— Kathryn Paszkiewicz (@kathrynpaszkie) January 23, 2016
Not even the snow will stop us from Jesus #TurnpikeMass
— Megan Crotts (@Megansc05) January 23, 2016
Just finished helping put on the #turnpikemass by building the altar. Best mass ever. Never seen so many Catholics so devoted
— James Rotondo (@sableyemaster) January 23, 2016
What a beautiful public witness of faith in a frightening situation.
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