Today at the papal parade, Townhall asked pilgrims waiting to catch a glimpse of the pope to write down their thoughts about the papal visit and how Pope Francis has influenced their faith.
The answers, it turns out, were as diverse as the people writing them. Some were impressed by the pontiff's handling of international relations, while others were drawn back into their faith by his words and actions. People traveled from across the country to wait for several hours in relatively chilly fall weather just for a quick look at the pontiff.
1. Dominique, from Ft. Lauderdale, FL:
Pope Francisco is a humanitarian. He is generous with his efforts, caring of all, and a follower of God.
2. Ismael and Tammie, from Chicago:
Pope Francis has inspired us by his aggressive yet compassionate leadership. He is respected by a diverse group of people, and loved by so many.
3. Gladys, from Memphis, TN:
I came to see the Pope because he inspires me with his message of love for each other and to be a part of history.
4. Celine and John, from Washington, D.C.:
We love Pope Francis for his involvement and initiatives on matters such as Global Warming, establishing a relationship between Cuba and United States and echoing the pain of the refugees on the Mediterranean. We love his simplicity!
5. Jovie, from the Philippines:
I came to see Pope Francis because he's full of wisdom and his teachings inspires me and lots of peole. His outlook brings people together and renews family values.
6. Jen, from Pensacola, FL:
Pope Francis practices what he preaches and has revitalized my faith in the Catholic Church.
7. Mark, from Gainseville, FL:
#PopeinDC Mahal kita ["I love you" in Tagalog] Pope Francis. God Bless You.
8. Victoria, from Pittsburgh, PA:
He inspires me to be a better person and understand my religion!
9. Olivia, from Pittsburgh, PA:
He's inspired me to be a better Christian and understanding Catholicism!
10. Adriana, from Puerto Rico:
El Papa Francisco es un gran simbolo de humildad, de la comunidad latina y representante del Catolicismo en el Mundo. Su discurso va a la par con los retos del Mundo Modern.
Pope Francis is a great symbol of humility, a representative of Latinos and Catholics all over the world. He addresses our Modern World challenges.
11. Samuel and Darby, from Minnesota and Massachusetts:
Pope Francis has inspired us to reconnect with our Catholic roots.
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