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New Poll Reveals How Damaging Revelations Are Impacting Biden's Favorability with Voters

AP Photo/Charles Dharapak

Polls continue to show Joe Biden with a sizeable lead over incumbent President Donald Trump, but a new poll shows that lead may be narrowing as revelations about Joe Biden's alleged involvement in his son's overseas business activities come to light.


A new IBD/TIPP poll shows support for Joe Biden dipping by just over two percentage points and support for President Trump rising slightly by .6 percent since Monday. 

On Wednesday, The New York Post reported a bombshell revelation that Hunter Biden arranged a meeting between his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, and an executive from Burisma, a corrupt Ukrainian energy company that paid Hunter Biden over $80,000 a month. Joe Biden was the Obama administration's point man on Ukraine, and Hunter's only apparent value was his relationship to his father. Joe Biden has previously denied even speaking to his son about his overseas business activities. 

The new poll shows movement against Joe Biden even as the mainstream media and social media monopolies suppress the damaging revelations. Twitter censored The Post's reporting after falsely claiming the reporting violated the company's policy against hacked materials. The Post sourced its reporting from emails obtained by a computer repairman who reportedly came into possession of Hunter Biden's laptop after Biden failed to pay the repairman for his work. 


On Friday, Breitbart published a story regarding different emails provided by a former business associate of Hunter Biden. Those emails show Hunter Biden helped arrange a White House meeting between top-level officials, including Vice President Joe Biden, and elites in the Chinese Communist Party. 

Joe Biden is a career politician and a swamp monster who inexplicably enriched himself and his family while in office. The revelations suggest the former vice president may have accumulated wealth by selling access to himself through his son and his associates. 

The American people deserve to know how Biden spent his eight years in the Obama White House before they decide whether to send Biden back to the White House for another term. 

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