The failed Democratic presidential candidate, known for having ridiculous plans that seem to create more problems than they solve, has proposed canceling student loan debts as a way to address the ongoing coronavirus crisis. The so-called plan says nothing about canceling flights from Wuhan or restricting travel in areas currently inundated by the virus.
We can help people stay home if they're sick and support our economy by:
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) March 13, 2020
-Creating an emergency paid leave program
-Increasing Social Security checks by $200 per month
-Expanding unemployment benefits
-Canceling student loan debt
In her "Updated Plan to Address the Coronavirus Crisis," Sen. Warren calls for the cancelation of student loan debt as a way to stimulate the economy.
"We should provide broad student loan debt cancellation, along the lines of what I’ve previously proposed, which will stimulate economic growth and deliver financial benefits quickly and widely," Warren argues.
Warren's student loan plan called for the cancellation of loan debt up to $50,000 for 95 percent of borrowers, or 42 million people, according to the senator's proposal.
The Democrats will never let a crisis go to waste. Democratic politicians are currently rushing to push through as many items on the progressive agenda as they can under the guise of combating the virus.
Similarly, Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden's "plan" to deal with the coronavirus calls for reversing the Trump administration's "public charge" rule for immigrants.
The left isn't concerned about the safety of Americans. The left sees widespread fear and panic as prerequisites for getting their progressive polices into law.
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