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AOC Laments Being In Same Political Party As Joe Biden

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

The New York Post is reporting that during a recent interview, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) complained about having to share the same political party as Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. The comments came after the representative was asked about the role she imagines herself playing in Congress if Joe Biden ends up being president of the United States, assuming she is still in Congress following the 2020 election. 


“Oh, God," Ocasio-Cortez exclaimed. "In any other country, Joe Biden and I would not be in the same party, but in America, we are.” Ocasio-Cortez's comments were made during a recent interview with New York Magazine that will be published later this week.  

(Via the New York Post)

Ocasio-Cortez, who endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential run, also said the Democratic Party caters too much to representatives who flipped districts in 2018 that had voted for President Trump in 2016.

“For so long, when I first got in, people were like, ‘Oh, are you going to be basically a tea party of the left?’ And what people don’t realize is that there is a tea party of the left, but it’s on the right edges, the most conservative parts of the Democratic Party,” she said.

Ocasio-Cortez continued to say that criticizing the party is frowned upon but credits herself with creating the ability for some members to speak their minds.

“I think I have created more room for dissent, and we’re learning to stretch our wings a little bit on the left,” she said.

It's interesting that Ocasio-Cortez views her own political beliefs as too extreme for the major political party on the left in America. Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that almost a quarter of the residents in her congressional district are not even from America, as Matt recently pointed out. Democrats have been fighting tooth and nail to keep the citizenship question off the census, which is used to determine the number of representatives apportioned to each state. But even without the citizenship question being asked, it is still possible that Ocasio-Cortez will lose her House district following the 2020 census due to population shifts over the last 10 years.  


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